Author: rpd


I had a wonderful evening last night, 2 May, at Childwall Women’s Institute, where I had kindly been invited to talk about the writing of Valediction Records and give a reading. Everyone was very welcoming and appreciative, and I signed several copies of the novel. As I said to the audience, I hoped to do […]


A fabulous night at MerseyMade arts and crafts centre, Liverpool, last night. Local journalist and author Spencer Leigh interviewed me about my life leading up to the writing of Valediction Records, followed by The Good Intentions (on this occasion a duo of Gabi and me) performing a short set. Lots of audience interest, a lot […]

R Peter Davies, Polymath

I’m kidding! But this is a reminder that, on Wednesday 1 May, at MerseyMade, Paradise Street, Liverpool, from 6.00 to 8.00, well-known local journalist and author Spencer Leigh will be interviewing me about my life leading up to the writing of Valediction Records, followed by a performance by my band The Good Intentions. MerseyMade is […]

WORT-FM interview recording

Valediction Records with Peter Davies – WORT-FM 89.9 ( The link is to a recording of the interview I did with Andy Moore of WORT, Madison, Wisconsin, on Friday 5 April. Andy asked some interesting questions about Valediction Records, one or two from a particularly American angle. I was especially flattered to hear him compare […]

Interview on US radio

Tomorrow, 5 April, I’m being interviewed about Valediction Records by well-known music journalist and broadcaster Andy Moore, on WORT-FM, in Madison, Wisconsin! Very exciting! You can follow the interview from 2.10 pm BST. It streams live at

Halewood Library visit

I had a fabulous time yesterday afternoon at Halewood Library. An attentive and interesting audience listened to me talk about my background and the writing of Valediction Records, and then read from the novel, before making me work hard with some thoughtful questions. The library is modern, bright and airy, and appears to be well […]

Halewood Library

On 13 March at 2.00 pm, I’ll be talking about Valediction Records, doing a reading from the novel, and selling/signing copies. The event is free, so do come along if you live locally. Libraries are under increasing threat from underfunding, but they remain an important local cultural resource. Please support your local library!

Five Star Reviews!

Just 6 weeks after publication, Valediction Records has so far picked up 7 Five Star ratings on Amazon, including 5 great reviews! Further events promoting my debut novel will be coming in the next few weeks. I am so grateful for the interest and support from so many readers, and to Cranthorpe Millner, and in […]

Waterstones Ormskirk

On the Saturday just gone, 3 February, I was at Waterstones in Ormskirk to sign copies of Valediction Records. The shop and the staff were delightful. Waterstones might be a mega-franchise but this branch had a charming local bookshop feel. I’m particularly grateful to Terry, who made me feel very welcome and gave me a […]