Author: rpd

Publication Day

23 January 2024: Valediction Records is published by Cranthorpe Millner! My novel is finally out there in the world! It’s been a long road, but I have never lacked support from my family and friends. I also think of my Dad, who was also a writer, and would have been (I hope!) proud of me. […]

Allerton Library

Publication day draws close! On the 24th January, the day after Valediction Records is released into the world, I will be at Allerton Library from 2.00pm, doing a reading from the novel, taking questions, and signing copies. I have lost count of the shows I have played over the years as a musician, so I’m […]

Valediction Records is coming soon

Hard to believe but my debut novel is being published by Cranthorpe Millner in just less than 5 weeks’ time, on 23 January. For most of my adult life, I’ve been a singer-songwriter, most recently in my band The Good Intentions, but this is new territory for me, and so I guess I’m anticipating the […]